Customizing Club Orders Manually

Customizing Club Orders Manually

This feature is only available in a Custom Club Process. In a standard club process, all orders are batch processed as soon as the process is created leaving no time to customize individual orders. 

While your customers are still able to customize their custom club order through the Vinsipp Portal, you are also now able to customize orders for your customers through the Member Report in the open Process.

1. To begin you will go to the Process section of Vincipia and select the open process that contains the customer who needs to edit their selection. Any process that has not been completed will appear as gray. In the below example we will be selecting the "February 2023 Custom Process".

2. Once you have selected the open process by clicking on it, select Member Report

3. You may search by last name for your member, or scroll through the member list. Once you have located the member whose order you would like to modify, click on their name. In the example below, you will see the customer Kelsey has already edited her selections (indicated by the red dot next to her name). We will be working on Susie Queue's club order. 

4. Once you have selected your customer, you will see the original club order on the right hand side and all of your products on the left. From here you are able to add bottles to the order from products and take away unwanted bottles from the original order by selecting the "X"

If when setting up your process you selected "Update Square Inventory", your inventory count will be displayed along with the product names. 

5. Once you have completed modifying your customer's selection for this club run, select "Save" in the top right corner. 

This will save your customer's new selection to be charged on the date you choose to process your club.

On initially closing the customer window, a red dot will not appear by the customer name you just modified. This will appear the next time you open the club process so you are able to keep track of the orders that have been customized both manually and through VinSipp before you process the club.  

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