As you may have noticed, there is no contact phone number to be able to reach Vincipia. We understand this can cause confusion and wanted to address the reasoning, which will hopefully answer any remaining questions.
We do not utilize phones, especially for tech support, because as a tech company, we need to be able to take the time to look into what is happening before responding. This will often mean that we need to ask for screen shots and more detail. Once we have the data we need, the appropriate team member will then need to research the problem before providing a solution. This is why you will receive an automated response that we will get back to you in 2 to 3 days. While we try to beat that, some issues require that level of detailed research. Know that we are actively looking into your issues and will get back to you as soon as we have a response.
We have also switched to this system to allow your questions and issues to be seen across our company. No more lost emails or going back and forth with the wrong people. This level of transparency ensures we are providing the best customer service we can to be able to support your business.
We ask you to create a new log in to be able to access this system so we can keep your tickets on file throughout your time with Vincipia. This allows all of us to see if there has been a recurring issue as well as to allow our customers to reference previously provided solutions.
We understand the transition to digital only is a change for many, but we have found that we are able to provide better support to our customers through this system.
When you run into a question or issue within the system, please give our Knowledge Base a search. If you are not able to find the answer you need, please submit a support ticket and someone from our team will get back to you.