Creating a Club

Creating a Club

You can create an unlimited number of clubs depending on how you want to organize and run your club.

To create a new club go to Clubs >Create Club

Fill out the following fields to create your club:
  1. Name - This can be whatever name you want to use to identify your club
  2. Description - This description will be seen on the VinSipp Club Sign Up Page
  3. Notification Email - This email will receive a notification when a new customer signs up through VinSipp
  4. Item Discount - This discount is used if your members get a percentage off of their purchases outside of clubs. It will also auto populate the discount field when you go to process
  5. Shipping Discount - Can be left blank if you do not offer a shipping discount
  6. Square Group - You can only have one group for each club (Please see our article on Square Groups HERE for more) If no groups show during club creation follow the directions below
  7. Allow Shipping - Turn this on if you will be offering Shipping as an option on the club sign up pages
  8. Allow PickUp - Turn this on if you want to offer pick up for the online club sign up form
  9. Private Club - This is used to hide a club from the VinSipp portal if you have a club you do not want people to move themselves into
  10. Select Save 

After saving, select the club you just created on the Clubs screen. When you reopen this club and select edit, you will be able to add your Square Group, which will appear in the dropdown menu. 
Please note you can only associate one Square Group with ONE club in Vincipia. Adding more than one club in Vincipia to a single Square group will create innumerable problems. 

If you have a live MailChimp integration, an additional marketing section will appear at the bottom of the club creation page where you can sync up the club to a MailChimp Audience email list, or create a new one in Vincipia that will automatically appear in MailChimp. As members are added or cancelled, the corresponding Audience contact list will update in MailChimp automatically with a live MailChimp integration. This area in your Club will also be important should you wish to create automatic club welcome emails through our MailChimp integration. Instructions for that can be found HERE

Select Save Changes and your club is set up and ready for members to be added. 

To find your custom Online Club Sign Up Link: Select your club and scroll to the bottom where you will find the unique sign up link for your club that can be embedded behind any button on your website.


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