Team Member Tracking on Club Forms

Team Member Tracking on Club Forms

If you would like to be able to track how many club members an individual team member adds to your club, you can track this using the online club sign up form in Vincipia. You must add employees as users under the admin section. Instructions on how to do this can be found here

To turn on "Team Members on SignUp Form" on, follow these steps:

1: Go to the Clubs section of your Vincipia account

2: Select the club in which you would like to turn this feature on. In our example we selected the "Mixed" club.

3. Select Edit


5. Toggle the switch to on making it go from grey to blue. 

6. Repeat steps 2-5 for every club where you would like to turn this option on

Tracking sign ups can be found under the Membership section under Reporting. You can change the date ranges to see specific data.

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